Dollar Bills

On a pathetic Military income... most of our peers barely get by living paycheck to paycheck. The commisaries are always empty within a few days after payday becaused everyone's already "broke".
Yet we have managed to live comfortably on just his income:
the kids; the cats; the dog; our own house (no rent); Dates w Hubby; Weekly Museums, Fairs, and Family Fun; trips from NC to NY to visit my relatives; over $500 a month for charity; upgrades to our DEBT FREE Corvette, FX4 Truck, Grand Prix GTP, and 2 QuadSports; Home improvements & Decor; ... ... etc

I started my Financial Education Courses over a decade ago,
and then taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University ($100 well spent!) revved up my entire financial system!

Here is some of my Best Advice:

~Have an Emergency Repair Fund
      (atleast $1000- ONLY for when People/Home/Transportation are Broken!)

~Maintain a Budget, which results in AMAZING savings accross the board, so I have more money to spend on ... WhatEver I WANT! ~Vehicle, Vaca, etc.
      Little Sacrifices for Big Rewards!

~Go DEBT FREE (Why are people ok with paying Interest on ANYTHING??
      I REFUSE to pay the bank... they pay me!)

~Invest in your own future!
      (save for Retirement & College now... or you will pay double for it later!)

~Support charity (this is mostly emotional/spiritual
      ... but the feel good you get from giving is the icing on the financial cake!)

~Stop Couponing, and realized that only the expensive companies use coupons.
      I can usually find an even more delicious knock off brand for even cheaper than the couponed price. Plus time, ink, and marketing brainwash (do I REALLY NEED that product... no... so WHY did I clip this coupon?)
      I'll only clip coupons on the Expensive Brands that my family prefers:
like our favorite Cheese, or Hubby's Tea.

~Menu Plan, which DOES do wonders to cut grocery bills!!

~Make your own
      Spend only 20-30 minutes a month to mix up a dozen or so concoctions that you are low on or need for future meals, instead of paying double/triple for premade chemical junk.
      Build Stuff together (it's crazy how sexy this activity can be!)

~Teach your kids (so they don't still live with you when they are 30)
     Money Management for kids ages 3-13

And my Best trick of All is: Start a Money Tree!

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