Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Behavior Bands

At home we have tried pins, stars, and just about everything else...
But short of the infuriated whisper of consequences to come, discipline in public is always a touchy subject in our pitiful society.
I can't stand the mom that you see getting screamed at by her own child!
I'm the mom who old men walk up to and say "they were soooo well behaved that whole time!"

Enforcing the rules is Especially important when the outing is an EXTREMELY BORING one!

How behavior bands began was during one such outing.
I have seriously long hair, so I always carry an extra elastic hairband on my wrist. One afternoon Sweet P asked if she could wear my hairband on her wrist... no problem! She likes "being like mommy".
At one point she was snapping it and twisting it, so I asked her "do you want me to take your band away?"
She immediately gave me a quiet pitiful look like I had just threatened to blow up her favorite doll or something...
Losing a band was worse punishment than scolding her... ACCIDENTAL GENIOUS! And Behavior Bands were born!

I've now been using this method for about a year, and my already well behaved kids are now even MORE behaved! God is Great!!!

Discipline your children, and they will give you peace; they will bring you the delights you desire.

How it works:
It is basically a portable behavior chart.

~ Before we leave the house TBone & SweetP each pick out 3 bands for the day (they don’t have to match because once the kids figure out that losing bands = consequences… they WONT share their bands with Anyone!)
~ For simple things I'll be nice enough to give ONE warning, "Next time, I'm going to take a band away!" (Be diligent, no more than one warning EVER! They will take advantage of you if they think they can!)
~ For misbehaviors that I believe they should know better, I immediately take a band away! "You know you are not allowed to _____!"

Rewards & Punishments:

@ "Playtime" Events: Quite simple- If ANYONE loses all three bands, then their fun day is over, and I get to go home and relax for the rest of the day. (Yes, their siblings will be mad at them. This will encourage the bad kid be behave better next time!)

@ "Business" Outings: (Errands, Appointments, Classes, Practices, Shopping, etc.)
      ~ All 3 bands remain = a simple reward I designate OR a token in their jar (their choice)
      ~ Each band removed = take a token away from their jar
      ~ No bands left = Punishment when we get home (if they decide to cry about the fact that they have no bands left, the punishment will be increased and they know it!)
(They could gain 1 token or lose 3 tokens- unfair? yes! - - - It's also unfair to Daddy & Mommy that they were misbehaving in Public!)

The reason it works so well is because there is no reminding, no counting, no repeating…
They know exactly what is going to happen because they can actually SEE where they are behaviorally for the day. They also know exactly what will happen because it doesn't ever change!
0 = reward; 1 = lose a token; 2 = lose two tokens; 3 = lose three tokens & You're in trouble buddy…
Every time! No Exceptions!
If they even think about asking for some back… how about, no.

One cool thing about all this is that they have a clean slate tomorrow!

Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.

I love my family much more than anything in the whole world! I have expectations for them; expectations to prosper them and not to harm them; expectations to give them hope and a future.
The day they despair is the same day my heart will be unbearably broken!
So if being a bit strict will keep them on a good path… I'll be the tedious mom for their sake!

The BEST part is… I don’t have to be… 98% of the time they are soo well behaved that I can just sit back and enjoy being "I love you Mom."

Monday, May 6, 2013


backbone, constancy, continuance, dedication, determination, drive, endurance, grit, guts, immovability, moxie, perseverance, persistence, pertinacity, pursuance, resolution, sedulity, spunk, stamina, steadfastness, tenacity,


idleness, laziness, lethargy,


When you are teaching a kid to ride a bike for the first time, they will fall off...
You dont tell them that they suck. You dont tell them to give up.
You dont tell them to get back up tomorrow.

You tell them:
Go on, get back up! Try again! Dont quit, you can do it! Not tomorrow, now!

What kind of hypocrite are you?
You tell them to perservere... then you tell yourself 'tomorrow' or whine about how much you suck at 'this'.

If you fall off the bike, get back on... now!

If you woke up too late to hit the gym before work... do it after work!
If you spent more than you were supposed to...
      only take the cash you need, start leaving the rest at home!
If you feel guilty about eating that junk... make sure the next meal is super healthy!
If you get home late and your house is a mess... do one chore before bed!
Whatever your goal is... BE STRONG & DO IT!

YOU get back up! YOU try again! YOU dont quit! YOU can do it!
YOU do it today, not tomorrow!

Because perseverance doesnt mean doing it right every time...
It means you finish what you started, regardless of what obstacles stand in your way!

If you screw up- try again anyway!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Sacrifice is Worth it

I dont know about you... but My life is rarely "EASY"
... My life is rarely anything less than crazy... forget about "EASY"!

My husband is a US Marine-
He's deployed for 7 months out of the year, and the other 5 months are spent working 14-16 hour days or doing "workups" on the other side of the US! He barely squeezes time for us in on weekends, that is if he's not working or on a workup that weekend.

Two & a half kids-
Tbone obsessing about everything Dinosaurs (Hubby & I now hate dinos!)
Sweet P my little pink diva (the only girly thing in this house)
& Lil Tx {tex} giving me Braxton Contractions ever soo often... ow! (yay, here come birthing pains... that was sarcasm!)

My CoDependant Mom vs My Deadbeat Dad, Pets, Bills, Cooking, Cleaning, bedrest, nausea/morning sickness, gardening & grocery shopping,
... did I mention PreLabor Braxton Contractions- still hurting!

I'm an upbeat chipper kinda lady...
My mission in life is to make EVERYONE smile (and get as many hugs as possible while doing so!)
My moto in life is "All things are possible"

This attitude is not something anyone is born with.
It's an attitude you CHOOSE to have!

Soo... when I came across a quote that read:

"God never said it would be Easy,
    He just promised it would be Worth It!"
{origin unknown}

That just screamed for me to make a picture!

My life revolves around this very principle!!!

It's right! It's worth it!

Laying in bed at half past midnight, knowing I have to get up to put the kid on the bus in less than 6 hours, just talking to Hubby about the STUPIDEST random stuff... makes it worth it

TBone giving me the sweetest Hug n Kiss because I sucessfully survived sitting through another 2 hour Dinosaur Documentary... makes it worth it

Sweet P eyes closed, puckered lips, in a purple princess dress up, with blue cinderella shoes, a yellow belle tiara, green tiana necklace... and a pink tutu on top of her dress (remind you- I am not the girly type, so her fashion sense is, well, random), waiting for mommy to kiss her ... makes it worth it

Lil Tx- the doctors telling us for months that "he's going to die"- kickin my bladder, tryin to break my ribs, back/neck/pelvic/all-over-my-body pains- that means he's still alive... makes it worth it

All four of us holding eachothers hands {w tx in tummy} as we walk through the church parking lot on Sunday morning...

makes it worth it ♥

Dont bother trying to make your life "EASY"
      Just figure out what makes it Worth It!

Be their Angel

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Quote- King Solomon the wise (9th Century BC)

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